Friday, September 18, 2009

issue no.13

GS Perfect Attendance Rating at 31%

Two of the five mandatory work habits being promoted among the grade school pupils and teachers are the Attendance and Punctuality which are essentials in productivity and excellence. The school’s drive to promote the importance of attendance and punctuality in the efficiency and productivity of academic tasks remains to be a big challenge. For this year, the average attendance rating for the First Term is 97.82% , a -.36% compared to last year’s rating; punctuality rataing posed an increase of .09% giving the grade school a stunning 98.28%.

The average of the two Mandatory Work Habits for the first term is 98.05% that established a decrease of .14% compared last year.

The decrease in rating is attributed to health problems we had due to seasonal flu which is unavoidable and inevitable. In spite of this, the conscious effort of both the pupils and the parents in terms of punctuality yielded a positive result.
Actions repeatedly done will become a habit and eventually, will be a way of life.

The school recognizes the 31% of pupils who had a perfect attendance with zero tardy record through the PERFECT ATTENDANCE AWARD

Congratulations to the Perfect Attendance Awardees for the First Term. Continue meeting your goals and target towards excellence.

Laudable performance for the First wave of the Open Mic Season 2

An overwhelming response from the pupils was seen in the long queue of the aspirant Open Mic presenter. A big number of pupils presented themselves for screening for the Open Mic Season for the 2nd Term. This only shows that HCECians have the talents and the confidence to perform.
High Five to the first Open Mic Presenter:

Rina Angela Penales – 3 Charity

Alexis Corporal – 2 Piety

These two eloquent pupils were also the first to perform last year (refer to Vol.3 PB no.13).

Rina Angela had a Story Telling about the Wisdom of King Solomon while Alexis gave an oration piece by Abraham Lincoln. The performance was well-executed and expressed with powerful delivery.

Open Mic is for all. Screening is still on going.

First Parent-Teacher Conference on Sept. 26

The time to see the fruit of your child’s effort in his/her school task is set on September 26, 2009 during the First Parent-Teachers conference starting at 1:00 pm until 3:00 pm.

The PTC is an opportunity for the parent to talk to his/her child’s adviser about the school performance through the report card. Each parent will be given a maximum of ten (ten) minutes to get the report card and talk to the adviser. If there are matters that need to have a lengthy discussion, parents are requested to fill-up the Appointment Form found in this issue to be given a Special Time.
Please be guided by the following schedule:

Grades 1-5

1:00 3:30 – Teacher Conference for 10 minutes, first come-first serve

3:30- 5:00 – Special Conference; by appointment

Grade 6 – Grade 6 Humility Room

1:00- 2:30 – Level Parents’ Meeting

Agenda: Confirmation Rites, Graduation Rites, Other Matters

2:30-3:30 – Distribution of the Report Card

3:30-5:00 – Special Conference; by appointment, first come-first serve

While waiting, parents may stay at the MPH to watch the video of the Family Day 2009- Broadway Musical.

PTC is an avenue to see your child’s work in school. Let’s make it pleasant, objective and fulfilling both for you and the teachers. See you all!

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